Monday, December 22, 2008

2 Months

The weekend of the 13th we ventured to Lawler again for Costigan Christmas where Colin met his great-grandma and great-grandpa and all of his other relatives. He was a hit at the party as I only saw him when he needed changed or fed. ;)
Colin with his cousin Isabel.
Four generation picture Colin with Great-Grandpa Lauren, Grandpa Pat and dad.

Last weekend Colin had his first babysitters. Uncle Kyle and Aunt Abbi watched him while Brad and I went out to eat. Thanks guys!

Today he had his 2 month check up. He now weighs 12 lbs and 15 ozs and is 23 1/4" long so is definitely a growing boy and looking forward to Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Pauls.
I am officially off of maternity leave tomorrow as I head back to work. It will be soooo hard to leave Colin but he'll be in good hands with his Aunt Abbi watching him. Next week Grandma Connie will watch him while I'm working as he can't get in to daycare until Jan. 12th.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Last Weekend

Here's Colin doing what he does best...just being cute!

Colin's Aunt Kim and cousins, Elizabeth and Jacob, came to visit last weekend. It was great to see them again!

Later Colin's Uncle Rob and cousins, Joe and Laura, also stopped for a visit. It was great for me to have my sister and brother together with all of our kids. Looks like Colin was the center of attention.

This is the Costigan clan together at the Hackman Christmas. Good looking bunch!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Sorry for the delay in updating. Since the last update, we picked out our Christmas tree. We lucked out and Santa stopped by to visit so Colin got to meet Santa. My work also threw us a shower so thanks to everyone who attended.

Thanks to PHI Financial Services for having a shower for us! I'll be back to work soon.

Taking a nap after eating.

Is this outfit really a suprise to anyone? :)

Getting warmed up after a bath.

My first time meeting Santa!

Just being cute.


Colin was 6 weeks old this past Thursday. As of 2 weeks ago, he weighed 10 lbs 6 oz. Thanksgiving was busy for all of us. Colin made his first trip out of town on Wendesday that week to see my family and to enjoy the holiday. Friday we came back to stay in Des Moines and went to visit Brad's family on Saturday. Sunday we had a his mom's side Christmas. Coming home on Sunday was crazy. A normal 3 hour drive turned in to 5 hours due to weather. We definitely would have stayed in Lawler one more night if we had known the roads would be so bad as we averaged about 40 miles/hour coming home on highway and the interstate. Needless to say Brad was extremely nervous driving with Colin in the car. Kyle (Brad's brother) was also driving home with his 7 month pregnant wife so the boys were both pretty stressed. On Monday Brad ended up staying home with us so we put up the Christmas tree and decorated the house for Christmas.

Colin in his Thansgiving outfit. (Thanks Jen and Don!)

Hanging out with my cousin Laura.

Chillin' in Grandma's room....I'm stuffed!

Time for a family picture.