On March 22nd we welcomed Dylan Franklin to our family. He weighed 7 lbs 11 oz and was 20.25 inches.
Dylan has been such a joy and Colin has really been enjoying being a big brother. They have both been doing great. In fact, Dylan slept through the night last night at exactly 4 weeks of age so I can't complain about that. Colin continues to go to daycare so it's just me and Dylan at home which has been nice. Overall, he's been a great baby and I forgot how much newborns sleep.
I've been enjoying my time off work. I have high hopes for completing several projects while I'm on it but we'll see how much I get done as I love just holding Dylan and don't want to lay him down.
Brad's achilles continues to heal. He still has to wear a brace for another month or two but can manage getting around the house without wearing it. He has hopes for going turkey hunting yet this spring but we'll see how he's doing.