We went to my cousin Steve's wedding reception in Cedar Rapids on Feb. 23rd. Colin got to meet a lot his great aunts and uncles on my side of the family. We also stayed overnight with Brad's Aunt Steph and Uncle Dave so Colin enjoyed spending time with them and their boys.

At 4 1/2 months, Colin stood on his own. He stood, leaning against the couch, for at least 5 minutes all by himself. His legs are very strong and he just started to roll over on his 5 month birthday, March 23rd.

Colin with his friends celebrating my birthday. L to R: Will Slagle (7 1/2 months), Ira Daines (5 1/2 months), Colin (5 months) and new cousin Olivia Costigan (1 month.) Olivia was born to Brad's brother Kyle and his wife Abbi on Feb. 15th. There were 4 babies within 6 1/2 months of age of each other at my birthday party and there was suppose to be fifth baby there. This is what our weekend nights have turned in to...and we love it. :)
Cool Colin just being cool Colin.....

Our first St. Patrick's Day picture! This was taken the Sat. before my birthday when he had our friends with their babies over to our house.

Happy St. Pat's Day! Mom and Colin on her birthday.

Our first St. Patrick's Day picture! This was taken the Sat. before my birthday when he had our friends with their babies over to our house.

Happy St. Pat's Day! Mom and Colin on her birthday.