Monday, December 22, 2008

2 Months

The weekend of the 13th we ventured to Lawler again for Costigan Christmas where Colin met his great-grandma and great-grandpa and all of his other relatives. He was a hit at the party as I only saw him when he needed changed or fed. ;)
Colin with his cousin Isabel.
Four generation picture Colin with Great-Grandpa Lauren, Grandpa Pat and dad.

Last weekend Colin had his first babysitters. Uncle Kyle and Aunt Abbi watched him while Brad and I went out to eat. Thanks guys!

Today he had his 2 month check up. He now weighs 12 lbs and 15 ozs and is 23 1/4" long so is definitely a growing boy and looking forward to Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Pauls.
I am officially off of maternity leave tomorrow as I head back to work. It will be soooo hard to leave Colin but he'll be in good hands with his Aunt Abbi watching him. Next week Grandma Connie will watch him while I'm working as he can't get in to daycare until Jan. 12th.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Last Weekend

Here's Colin doing what he does best...just being cute!

Colin's Aunt Kim and cousins, Elizabeth and Jacob, came to visit last weekend. It was great to see them again!

Later Colin's Uncle Rob and cousins, Joe and Laura, also stopped for a visit. It was great for me to have my sister and brother together with all of our kids. Looks like Colin was the center of attention.

This is the Costigan clan together at the Hackman Christmas. Good looking bunch!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Sorry for the delay in updating. Since the last update, we picked out our Christmas tree. We lucked out and Santa stopped by to visit so Colin got to meet Santa. My work also threw us a shower so thanks to everyone who attended.

Thanks to PHI Financial Services for having a shower for us! I'll be back to work soon.

Taking a nap after eating.

Is this outfit really a suprise to anyone? :)

Getting warmed up after a bath.

My first time meeting Santa!

Just being cute.


Colin was 6 weeks old this past Thursday. As of 2 weeks ago, he weighed 10 lbs 6 oz. Thanksgiving was busy for all of us. Colin made his first trip out of town on Wendesday that week to see my family and to enjoy the holiday. Friday we came back to stay in Des Moines and went to visit Brad's family on Saturday. Sunday we had a his mom's side Christmas. Coming home on Sunday was crazy. A normal 3 hour drive turned in to 5 hours due to weather. We definitely would have stayed in Lawler one more night if we had known the roads would be so bad as we averaged about 40 miles/hour coming home on highway and the interstate. Needless to say Brad was extremely nervous driving with Colin in the car. Kyle (Brad's brother) was also driving home with his 7 month pregnant wife so the boys were both pretty stressed. On Monday Brad ended up staying home with us so we put up the Christmas tree and decorated the house for Christmas.

Colin in his Thansgiving outfit. (Thanks Jen and Don!)

Hanging out with my cousin Laura.

Chillin' in Grandma's room....I'm stuffed!

Time for a family picture.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Baby Shower

I thought I better put an update out here as some people have asked what's been going on. Colin was 4 weeks old yesterday! The time has already flown. My sister visited and helped me out last Thursday and Friday. We did some shopping and just enjoyed spending time with Colin. He went out to eat for the first time with us to Jimmy John's...go figure since this is Mom's favorite place to eat. He also went out to his first restaurant on Sunday night with friends Cari and Jason to the Pizza Ranch. This week he mostly hung out at home but my work did have a baby shower for us yesterday. Brad was able to attend also. My work has moved buildings so I was able to see where I'll be working upon returning from maternity leave. Thanks to everyone at work for the shower and all of the nice gifts. I'll update later with more recent pictures.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

2 Week Dr. Appt.

Sorry, I'm behind as Colin had his 2 week dr. appointment last Thursday. He weighed 8 lbs. 14 oz. so is growing rapidly. He's already starting to grow out of some of his clothes. The dr. said he looked great and is healthy. He's actually gong to be 3 weeks old already tomorrow...can't believe it! He's been on several outings already to Target and on other errands. We went to church for the first time as a "family" last Saturday. He did great and slept the whole time. Today him and I had our first outing without daddy along....again he slept so I can't complain. My sister, Kim, is coming tomorrow for a couple of days so we'll see if he'll make his first trip to the mall. :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here are some pictures of Colin in his Halloween outfits. Good thing he had two as he peed on the first one before the first trick or treaters even arrived! :)

More Pictures

Here are some updated pictures of Colin. He's been doing well and sleeping during the night. I actually have to wake him up to feed him so guess that's a good thing. He's been staying more awake during the day which is good as well so is learning the difference between night and day. I've been feeling much better. Brad went back to work on Thursday and Friday but will be home again tomorrow as getting checked to see if he can get Lasik's eye surgery.

Monday, October 27, 2008

First Dr. Appointment

Colin had his first doctor appointment today. The dr. said he's doing great. He's still a little jaundice and might have a little acid reflux but neither are really any need for concern. The great news is he had dropped to 7 lbs 4 oz when leaving the hospital is already up to 7 lbs 14oz so is very close to his original weight of 8 lbs 1 oz. Most babies take up to 2 weeks to get back to their birth weight so mommy must be doing something right. :) We also then ran some errands and Colin did a great job of sleeping. Things are going well and Brad will probably go back to work on Thursday and he's already worried about missing him. I'm still having some soreness but am recovering.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Colin Has Arrived!


Meet Colin Patrick Costigan! Born at 3:49 pm on Thursday, Oct. 23rd. 8 lbs 1 oz. 20 3/4"

I was scheduled to get induced on Friday, Oct. 24th at 6am but Colin had other plans!. My water broke at 12:15 am on Thursday, Oct. 23rd and contractions started 20 minutes later. By the time we left the house at 2:15 my contractions were only 2 minutes apart and dilated to 3 cm. We arrived around 2:45 am at the hospital. By 5:00, I had an epidural that worked about for 2 hours and then began wearing off on my left side. While I could feel the contractions, the larger problem was that I was having sever back pain. Also, Colin was face up, instead of face down. Around 11:30 they were able to correct the epidural, but then it wore off again around 1pm, not shortly before I was ready to push. At 1:30 I began pushing and Colin arrived at 3:49pm.

Colin was running a high temperature so was taken to the nursery very quickly but it came back down after about an hour. Our hospital stay was busy as mom wasn't 'bored' for her very first hospital stay as she thought she might be. Thanks to all of the family and friends who stopped by to visit, call, or text.

Saturday we were released around 12:30pm. He quickly caused some excitement at home. After his first feeding we couldn't get a good burp out of Colin. He quickly wasn't acting himself w/ glazed over eyes, no sound, face starting to turn blue, and trouble breathing. We called 911 immediately. As they arrived, Brad got a burp out of him and started to cry and get some color back. The paramedics checked him and offered a ride to the hospital but we thought he was getting better. So, we were home all but 2 1/2 hours before calling 911. Little embarrassing, but better to be safe than sorry. Colin is doing much better now and we've made it through his first night. Brad and I are doing well, but definitely running on lack of sleep. ;)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Any Day Now!

I had my 39 week appointment yesterday. I'm starting to dilate! :) If I have not had the little one by my appointment next Wed (the 22nd which is my due date) the dr. said we can probably induce. So less than a week left until we meet our new precious family member.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Costigan Family

Brad and I decided to start a blog to keep everyone updated on the arrival of our little one who will be joining our family any day. My due date is Oct. 22nd. At first I had convinced myself that this little one would be arriving early, but now I do not believe that is the case. I think I just want time off work more than anything. :) Other than early contractions landing me in the hospital on July 1st, I've been feeling great with no morning sickness or much back pain. As most of you know back pain has been an issue for me since an accident in 2001, but luckily it hasn't gotten worse during the pregnancy. So while I'm approaching week 39 on Wednesday with no signs of the little one joining us soon, I can't complain because still feel good and sleeping well.
Brad has been enjoying talking to the baby and anxiously awaiting his or her arrival as well. The house is clean, the car seat base in the truck, and the bag is packed so we are just playing the waiting game now. :)